Dark Rain

Meeting Today's Threats with Tomorrow's Innovation.

Dark Rain is a premier defense and security company based in Bahrain.

Office No.503 ,Building 2795 Road/Street Number 2835 Block 428,Al Seef,Bahrain

Need help? Call us

+973 39470919


Copyright © 2024 Dark Rain. All rights reserved

Jonathan A. Hunter

Executive Chairman and CEO

Strategic executive with 25+ years of experience overseeing counter-threat operations within the federal, state, local, and international commercial and government environments, most recently as the Executive Chairman and CEO for MLP Technologies. Former Founder, Executive Chairman, CEO, and Strategic Advisor for Department 13 International Ltd and Inc. Steered company investment, operations, production, and delivery of a premier counter-drone solution used across the globe by leveraging global networks, military, and security expertise. Extensive commercial and entrepreneurial end-to-end leadership from startup to taking companies public on international exchanges.

Big picture and on-the-ground leader with operational deployments in a variety of military, contractual, and consultative roles including 4 tours to Afghanistan (510 days); United Nations (UN) Mali Mission (MINUSMA – 85 days); and Bosnia (SFOR-4 – 212 days).

Awarded the Bronze Star for actions in a warzone.

Meet our amazing

Technical Experts

Ahmad Aman PhD Digital Signal Processing Engineer
TJ Hoeft Lead Research Engineer
Zaven Kalayjian PhD Electrical Engineer
Steve Shattil Senior IP Strategist
Chitra Sivanandam Chief of Operations