Dark Rain

Meeting Today's Threats with Tomorrow's Innovation.

Dark Rain is a premier defense and security company based in Bahrain.

Office No.503 ,Building 2795 Road/Street Number 2835 Block 428,Al Seef,Bahrain

Need help? Call us

+973 39470919


Copyright © 2024 Dark Rain. All rights reserved

MLP with stealth technology proposes to develop highly advanced signature-mitigating textile to support the warfighter from surveillance sensor detection systems. Combat arms warfighters in near-peer
engagements and/or SOF units engaged in irregular warfare and with a need for effective signature mitigation from hostile forces and combat surveillance sensors.

High Yield Defensive Enclosure System

The HYDE system is designed to manage the warfighters signature in 5 spectrums (UV, VIS, NIR, SWIR, TIR).

  • Office of the under secretary of defense for research & engineering (R&E) – OSD
  • U.S. special operations command europe (SOCEUR)

Meeting Today's Threats
with Tomorrow's

Feel free to contact us for any inquiries or feedback. We’re here to assist you promptly and effectively.